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Stopping a rapid descent

Brittany Seabury

Sometimes you don’t know how fast your thoughts are running away with you until you’re able to grab onto something to stop the movement. That happened to me this week when I opened a newsletter from my former coach. In it she quoted Tony Robbins as saying the biggest problem most people have is the belief they shouldn’t have any problems. Reading that, I was like…

My year started off really strong. I was excited to host my sold-out retreat, I had big plans for reaching more women in need and I had a lot of creative momentum heading into the new year. But as soon as things felt hard, doubt showed up again. Over the past few weeks, doubt has had me flat on my belly sliding down an icy slope - away from everything I’ve been working toward. And fast. The thoughts filling my mind boiled down to: If I was where I am supposed to be, this wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. If I’m doing this right, things would be easier. Here I am again. I couldn't hold onto hope as my thoughts picked up speed. And when we are in a state of distress, we will default to our old patterns. For me, that meant going into protection mode. If this isn't going to work out, I need to start bracing against what's coming at the bottom of the hill. Everything became about self-preservation rather than exploration. That's no way to live. #IYKYK My coach's God-timed note of encouragement was my ice-ax-in-the-snow moment, catching me and suddenly stopping my rapid descent. We had a back and forth over email where I shared some of the doubts I was experiencing, and she shared she had felt the same way on her journey. She encouraged me to go to the Lord with my questions and remember the Apostle Paul got his bootie kicked multiple times, too. Then she closed her note out with, “You’ve got the goods babe. Keep going.” I cried. And I took some deep breaths. Her words were a reminder to me that challenges and discomfort are not signals that I am on the wrong path and to keep putting one foot in front of the other. If you find yourself in a similar place, you can take out your own ice ax… First, I invite you to take it to the Lord. Ask Him, Father, what do you want me to know about this situation?

Second, I encourage you to enlist the help of a trusted friend or mentor and share what you're going through. Processing my stuff with someone else is the only way I've found my ice ax will work. Swap shame for vulnerability and say your thoughts out loud. Hear what they sound like in the sunlight instead of just inside the darkness of your head. And from there, plot a path forward. Who can you reach out to today to talk about what you're going through so you can get on your feet and back on the trail? If you need support, let's talk it out. It would be my privilege to hold space for you to talk through whatever you’re facing and remind you that you have everything it takes to summit the mountain in front of you. You can grab time on my calendar here.

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